If you liked Maxibon as much I did, you will know what makes this ice cream lovable: its ingenious dual personality. One slab of vanilla ice cream is dressed up in two ways: one half is an ice cream sandwich, while the other half is classically coated with chocolate and rice crispies. Two treats in one!

It's still as good as I remember it. My last recollection of the ice cream's presence in the Philippines is a Maxibon eating competition that was televised, and which I have always regretted not joining. I don't remember the price then, but here in Australia at AUD$3.95 (convenience store price; it's cheaper in the supermarket but they sell it by boxes), this indulgence is a luxury indeed.
A Hungry Jack's Grilled Chicken Burger completed my lunch. Hungry Jack's is an Australian fast food chain with offerings not unlike Burger King. It is the local competitor of McDonald's, much like Jollibee keeps the foreign company from dominating the fast food industry in the Philippines.

This burger has grilled chicken breast, lettuce, tomato, cabbage, and what tasted like wasabi mayo dressing. As you can see, the chicken is practically spilling out of the burger, and I could tell that it's real chicken breast. As for the greasiness, it's only detectable on the inside of the bottom bun where the chicken rested. The tomato tasted fresh and juicy, and the wasabi mayo was a pleasant surprise. I thought McD's bun tasted better though, but aside from that I was pretty happy with this burger.
I missed having lunch in a park which I often did when I was working in Makati. Hyde Park was my solace today as I took my late late lunch. I sat in a bench facing St. Peter's Cathedral, keeping myself exposed to the afternoon sun as much as possible. I felt at home with tourists from all nations taking photos of each other. I'd like to say it went without incident, but that's another story which you can read in my other blog.
A Monday that feels like a Sunday. Now that's a first.
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