Monday, May 18, 2009

Tasty Porkchop

Location: Retiro, Quezon City

Tasty Dumplings is not popular for its dumplings, but for its porkchop. Pounded until paper thin, breaded and then deep friend, the porkchop is served with a special sauce that's thin, rather on the sweet side, and salty. This porkchop is lethal and is the way to any man's heart. Trust me. Learn to cook this and guys will be begging for your hand after two forkfuls.

When I ate here with B, I could barely get two sentences straight out of him. Just watch out, the establishment leaves a greasy, fryer smell on your hair and clothes. To keep the mood romantic, try spraying water mist around your table from time to time. Of course I didn't try that so I'm not sure if it works. There's also sitting close to a fan or direct path of an air conditioner.

Tasty Dumplings is a cheap eat that lets you have your comfort food whatever day of the week. The original branch is in Binondo which is bigger. What I don't care for about this restaurant is the shabby upkeeping of its comfort rooms. When I think of Tasty Dumplings, the next thing that comes to mind is the grimy comfort room at the second floor, which is totally negligible if you're not sensitive, but which makes you wonder what kind of hands pounded your pork, or what really makes the Wintermelon flavor in your drink, and what is special in the special sauce...

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