Sunday, February 1, 2009


I made burgers last Saturday. I got this recipe from the Internet; there's a place in the US that makes burgers in this version (white bread slices instead of burger buns). It looked really easy to whip up so I decided to surprise B. What man would say no to a burger, right? The potatoes on the side are oven roasted. It doesn't look very appetizing in the picture. When you don't hang out in the kitchen very often, cooking is not as easy as Food Network chefs makes it look!

Logan County Burger

If you're wondering about the taste, B tells me it's delicious. What makes it good is the cheese--lots of it. I suppose the seasonings used for the patty makes a difference too. Of course, there is a thing or two that can improve it and B says we'll perfect it together. I don't know if it's such a good idea though, as I see it as a personal quest. Then again, he's the one with chef friends.
After class, I met my parents in a mall and the first thing my mom gushed to me was, "I bought you Wham Burger! I didn't know they made delicious burgers!" I had the burger for breakfast the next day. Even though it was microwaved, I could tell its difference with my homemade burger patty. How on earth do they make is so so juicy??! I promise to tell you when I find out. I'll keep you posted!


  1. the bread, a little. i should've used a skillet. i know the patty looks awful being all black in the picture, but it's not. i guess it's just the camera settings (and please believe that i'm not making excuses!)
